Pure Weekend Madness: Will Bangor Get 3 inches of snow, or 10?
It's the question we ask... Every. Single. Storm.
It's never just easy here in Bangor. At least when it comes to weather. Especially snow. Now rain, who cares. When it rains, it rains. No big deal. But snow has a tendency to collect on the ground, which significantly changes our outlook on snow. As folks who live in the Bangor area, there's one thing that nails us every time.
Will we get 3 inches, or 10? We're always right on the frikkin' snow line. Literally every time. We seem to always straddle the areas where the snowfall amounts are pretty far apart. We sit in a zone where maybe we'll only get a couple inches, or we may get a foot. It's like somehow Bangor is north and south at the same time.
This weekend could bring our first truly plowable snow.
But there's so much at play here. News Center is showing we're going to get it pretty good around these parts. The weather app on my own phone sort of agrees with that sentiment. Whereas the National Weather Service doesn't look like it's predicting much in the way of accumulation in this area at all. So who do we believe?
My grandfather always said the only true way to check the weather was to stick your head out the window. Anything else was just a guess. You can't really argue with flawless logic. All I can tell you with any certainty is that it will likely snow. It's just gonna be the way Mother Nature decides to track it.
Either way, we won't avoid it forever, so now might be as good a time as any to fix up the snow blower, and get everything ready for winter. I'm not sure this is the storm to run out and buy candles and milk for, but you'll need them eventually. And who knows... Things may just take a hard turn towards Bangor. Stick your head out the window this weekend and see...