Maine College Students May Have Found a Way to Possibly Stop Cancer Cells
This is pretty incredible and it started only two short years ago right here on Maine’s Bates College campus. This new molecule presented by professor Andrew Kennedy and his students called bobcat 339 has shown indications that is might stop the progression of cancer cells and Alzheimer’s disease.
What he explains in this interview with NewCenter is that they have created molecule that changes how certain cells behave. He said:
Essentially, they found that the molecule was able to turn off the production of certain genes in cancer cells that control how they spread.
The team calls it "Bobcat 339", named after the Bates team mascot and it started with an idea from one of Kennedy's students.
The molecule was the brain child of student Gabriel Chua and was developed with the help of her professor and her class. Bobcat 339 is currently Patent pending.