National Weather Service Says We May Have Some Coastal Flooding This Weekend
Although we are supposed to get a lot of rain this weekend the National Weather service has issued a flood warning for coastal Maine.
This warning covers coastal Hancock and Washington counties including the towns of Bar Harbor, Ellsworth, Bucksport, Castine, Eastport, Machias and Cherryfield. NWS is also prompting warnings for Acadia National Park, Schoodic Point Pannsula. Lamoine Beach,Roque Bluffs Park and Quoddy Head.
This advisory runs from Friday night through Saturday afternoon.
The largest flooding concerns will coincide with the area's high tides 11:15 PM Friday and 11:35 AM Saturday with a two hours time frame.
Fllod waters are said to most likely impact locations near the waterfront & piers. Some low-lying causeways are expected to have water begin to approach the road with up to 1 foot of inundation. A majority of roads will remain passable with only isolated closures. Flooding begins on Route 1 in Machias and Route 190 in Eastport.
NWS is also warning of significant wave action will cause
minor overtopping of exposed coastal roadways, allowing small
rocks washing up on roads to cause damage to vehicles. Majority
of roads will remain passable with only isolated closures. Minor
beach erosion is possible. They are estimating tide surges from 15 - 18 ft.