Sammy Hagar has released a new song, “Affirmation,” which is taken from his upcoming album Space Between, which will come out under the banner Sammy Hagar & the Circle.

He’s joined by fellow ex-Van Halen member Michael Anthony, drummer Jason Bonham and guitarist Vic Johnson on the LP, which arrives on May 10.

You can listen to “Affirmation” below.

When he announced the album last year, Hagar said it was likely to be his last. It’s a concept work that explores the theme of greed. “It’s about the misconception that money is the root of all evil, because the truth of the matter is, that it isn’t money at all," he said.

"You can feed the poor, you can heal the sick, you can make people happy, you can stop a war with money, but it’s greed that is the problem. … It’s what I discovered by being both rich and poor.”

He also said he hoped Space Between would win a Grammy. “That’s my bucket list: to have one more credible musical experience in my life,” he said. “I think I did it, and I hope it’s as good as I think it is. I’ve been double-parked in the rock 'n' roll business for 40 years, and I want a stamp on my validation so I don’t have to pay to get out.”

In a more recent interview, Hagar said he hoped the LP might be the catalyst for a re-connection with Van Halen. “"I absolutely want that whole camp … to sit down and listen to this fucking record," he stated. "I tell you what, I would love this band to open for Van Halen. Eddie and those guys, they think they don’t need Mike, well ... fuck it.”

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