If you are feeling the pinch of having to deal with so much snow, the City of Bangor can feel your pain. Due to the large snow fall and limited crews Bangor residents will be waiting for a bit until priority 1 sidewalks are cleared.

Now as a person in Bangor who walks pretty much everyday I can tell you this week has been a challenge. In several areas of my regular route I have been forced to walk in the roadway that has already been made tighter by enormous snow banks. Now the good news for me is that most of my route is priority 1 streets so patience will pay dividends for me.

The BDN spoke with Dana Wardwell, who said, “Outside the downtown, about 62 miles of sidewalks along roads that connect neighborhoods with businesses and schools and dubbed “priority 1” streets by the city will not get cleared until late next week.”

He added in the interview, that the possibility exists that priority 2 sidewalks may not be re-established until spring. That said drivers need to show extra caution in areas where walkers must be on the streets.

Courtesy Bangor.gov
Courtesy Bangor.gov

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