State Is Looking For Help Choosing Bicentennial Flag
You know it’s not every day a girl turns 200 so who can blame our Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap for looking to dress her up a little.
Associated Press reports that the decision has been made to create a commemorative flag but he’d like your help in picking out the best design. This flag will not take the place of our current flag it will be flown for the celebration in 2020.
There are three choices, a modified version of our original state flag with the water and pine tree, in the upper left corner is the Dirigo emblem. A flag with an all white background with a bunch of words and the slogan "Leading The Way." and a three color design, white, green and blue to symbolize ice, land and water bearing a small the Dirigo emblem on it.
See them all here and cast your vote for your favorite and look smart the voting only lasts until this coming Friday at 5 PM.
Here is our flags noble history.