
Muzzleloader Season Begins Today
Muzzleloader Season Begins Today
Muzzleloader Season Begins Today
If you didn't bag your deer during "Firearms season", you now have another chance at watching the fur fly as Muzzleloader season begins today! The Firearms season ended this past Saturday, and according to a press release from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, this past season was one of the best ever in terms of deer harvested and the general health of the herd... R
Deer Hunting Begins!
Deer Hunting Begins!
Deer Hunting Begins!
Today is the first full day of firearms deer hunting season here in Maine, it will continue until Saturday November 30th. This past Saturday, residents of Maine got a head start on their out of state counter parts, beginning today everyone can participate...
Oh Deer!
Oh Deer!
Oh Deer!
If you have an upcoming drive through West Virginia, Montana, Iowa, South Dakota or Pennsylvania, you might want to make sure you’ve got $3,414 lying around. State Farm says that’s the damage a typical deer-car collision causes and those are the five states where you’re most likely to hit a deer in the next year...
Judge Saves Lily The Deer
Judge Saves Lily The Deer
Judge Saves Lily The Deer
I was so thrilled to see this today. A family in Michigan had found a dying deer who was giving birth.  They called the warden and when the fawn was born they asked to keep it and he agreed thinking that is wouldn’t survive.  Well, survive Lily did and became a member of the family...