These Are The Former Bangor Area Restaurants That People Miss The Most
We asked our listeners what their favorite former Bangor area restaurant was, and the response was overwhelming! Wonder what the top 3 most missed are? Find out below!
Among the many that were mentioned were Murphy's Steakhouse, The Oronoka, Pilot's Grill, Captain Nicks, Mama Baldacci's, Dana's Grill, Smokey Bones, Sequino's, Thistle's, Whig & Courier, the Weathervane, Chuck Wagon, Sambo's, Coffee Pot, and the original Benjamin's.
There was no doubt that Miller's Red Lion was a regional favorite, with people to this day missing the huge buffet that they used to serve up, especially on game night. Sing's oriental restaurant that once was in the Penobscot Plaza was also mentioned numerous times. Man, we used to love those Kava Bowls!
York Steakhouse was one of the original restaurants in the area of Bangor Mall when it first opened. Maybe you remember grabbing a tray, ordering up a steak, and then sliding down the line while selecting from all sorts of delicious offerings there. Some restaurants we hadn't even heard of, like the Checkmate, the Lemon Tree, the Pine Tree Restaurant, the Baltimore under the bridge, the Drum Stick on Hammond, and Big Fred's Famous Roast Beef!
A couple of our personal favorites were also mentioned. One was Paul's Restaurant off the Hogan Road that once stood where the Longhorn Steakhouse now does, and yes we were very sad to learn that the waiter that looked like Oliver Hardy had passed away years ago. The other was Captain Nicks, the seafood and steak restaurant that had the rail car attached right past the Airport Mall on Union Street.
The recent closing of Bugaboo Creek on Bangor Mall Boulevard still stuck with our Facebook fans. Bonanza and The 99, two other former steakhouses were mention a few times within the almost two hundred comments that were made. Believe it or not, with all the other seafood places here in Maine, Red Lobster was still mention a bunch of times.
There once was the Post Office Pharmacy Cafe at the corner of corner of Harlow and Franklin Streets, the White Elephant on Wilson Street in Brewer, and Perry's Clam Shack that once stood where Shaw's Supermarket now does on Main Street in Bangor.
The list seemed to go on and on, great dining memories are so very hard to forget!
Without a doubt, the most missed restaurants in the Bangor area are: Miller's, Paul's and Pilot's Grill! More people mentioned these all very local and family owned eateries than any other. Memories were made at these places, family and friends gathered for events, for a culinary reward after a tournament basketball game, and to entertain friends and family from away. If we could only turn back time....