These Are The Grossest Foods I-95 Listeners Ever Ate
JStew: This is a tough one for me, to be honest. I'm not remotely a picky eater. Sometimes I like foods prepared one way, and not others. For instance, I hate raw peppers, but love them cooked. But most 'fake' foods I'm not down with. Fake chicken nuggets or burgers, and the like. I have nothing but respect for the people who like those things, but not for me, thanks. Oh, and sea urchin. I had that once, and it tasted like a mud flat. Screw that!
Cori: I'm usually not a picky eater. I like Spinach and Brussels Sprouts. The only thing that usually grosses me out is under-cooked meat (like chicken or fish). But while I was in college in South Carolina, I did discover that Okra and I are not friends. It's both hairy & slimy--two things vegetables should never be, in my humble opinion. And I'm not talking like Peach fuzz, hairy, or Kiwiw hairy because I love Peaches and Kiwi. Okra is a disturbingly hairy situation which belongs in no one's mouth.
So after discovering this new bacon grown in a lab was a thing, we asked if you guys would try it, or, what's the grossest thing you'd ever eaten. You were not shy in your responses!