This week’s What’s This Wednesday Was A Real Eye-Opener
We knew this week's clue would go one of two ways: either everyone would get it or no one would get it. What we didn't factor in was that everyone would get it and answer in GIFs and pictures! That was entertaining!

JStew: Sometimes with these things, it's not always just about stumping people. Sometimes we just want to have a little fun because it entertains us and others. That was the case with this week's WTW. Sure, it was obvious from the get-go what we were looking at. But I bet everyone's reaction was the same as it would be if you saw any cute object. If it wasn't, you're living your life wrong, hahaha. sometimes fun cuteness wins the day, and that day is today!
Cori: It was the middle of the afternoon and I headed to the couch to sit and get some work done on my laptop. Living in a house full of kids, there's always a rogue toy or stuffed animal underfoot, or in this case, under butt. I went to find a spot near the coffee table, so I could put down my mug, and as I descended onto the blanket covering the cushion, I quickly realized that my rear wasn't hitting soft cushion but instead a hard, pointy round thing! When I pulled back the cover, I was met with a black-eye stare from my daughter Grace's Christmas present. And then it hit me...that is exactly the clue I would use in this week's challenge. So I set the toy aside and started to write. I only noticed after I turned to snap a picture of the entire doll for the reveal that it was staring at me with a cute yet creepy look the entire time.
There were only a few that didn't get what it was this week. Their effort was good, even if they were off the mark:
This one from Paul was close!