Trick-Or-Treat Safety Tips To Remember Before Heading Out The Door This Halloween
The Penobscot County Sherrif's Office issued some great tips for this Halloween's Trick-or-Treating season. On their Facebook Page this week, they put out suggestions for folks to celebrate a Happy and Healthy Halloween.
Some ideas included activities to do if you plan to stay home and avoid trick or treating in public.
They include a scavenger hunt and trick-or-treating throughout the house or around the yard.
For those planning to give out treats, there are a couple of things that could make life a little safer and easier for all:
"If you give out treats, consider handing out individually wrapped treat bags.
If possible, place treats on a table in your driveway or yard to avoid crowds at your front door. Consider placing a few mini pumpkins or other decorations 6 feet apart to signal a line and keep trick-or-treaters distanced while waiting for treats."
The Sherrif's Office also reminded folks to check all collected before giving letting kids eat it.
"Be especially wary of anything that is not wrapped by the factory or that is no longer sealed. When in doubt, throw it out!"
Some other good advice to keep in mind, before you head out Halloween night, come by way of the website, safekids.org.
For children who will be walking from house to house, here are some really good things to remember:
"Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks. Look left, right and left again when crossing and keep looking as you cross. Put electronic devices down, keep heads up and walk, don’t run, across the street. Teach children to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them."
Wearing reflective clothing, taking flashlights along, and having adults accompany kids under 12 are also ways to make this Halloween safer for all!
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