Last week, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) released the annual "earthquake forecast" for 2017, and it looks like there won't be a whole lotta shaking going on in Maine, for the most part.

Most of the country will see a slight decrease in activity this year, although the fault lines in the west should remain active. States like Oklahoma and Kansas will also see  decreased activity because oil and gas production is down due to usage.

The map below reflects predicted natural activity, like the fault lines in California.  It also shows induced activity, where energy companies inject wastewater into the ground to extract oil and gas.  Thankfully, none of that in Maine.

USGS.Gov image
USGS.Gov image

As we know, small earthquakes happen in Maine, with the most recent, with a magnitude of 2.1, taking place in the Mollyocket Mountain area of Woodstock.  You can see a history of earthquakes in Maine over the years, or even report one, at the Maine Geological Survey website.

The USGS map below shows the 2017 forecast for "ground shaking", and the shaking ought to be "light" here in the Pine Tree State.  A small of amount of periodic shaking will be "felt indoors by many, outdoors by few."   More information can be found at the USGS website!

USGS.Gov image
USGS.Gov image

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