“What Is This?” Wednesday Answer
It's a fun little game we play every week on the Wicked Awesome Morning Show with J Stew & Cori. "What is this?" Wednesday started as one of us trying to stump the other one by sending them a weird picture of something from around the house. And since we've opened it up to you, the guesses have gotten so much better!
Again, simply playing for bragging rights, and armed only with a strange photo and the hint that it's something that either J Stew or I have in their studios, you have wagered some very interesting ideas as to what these things are, and this morning was no exception!
J Stew here.... I have to add, when Cori sent this one to me, I did know what it was. But only because I've become so familiar with it, as she scratches her back about 50 times each morning. Honestly though, I think I'm just jealous. I either have short arms, or a huge back, but I can never seem to quite hit the spot.
At home, I just dig out anything I can find and scratch my back with that. Ladles, wooden spoons, broken drumsticks... you name it. Although you have to be careful with the broken drumsticks because of the splinters. At that point, you're just trading an itch for an injury.
Anyway... We stuck with one up for you to guess on this morning...and right out of the gate, the submissions were fantastic!
Daniel Bean Plastic plumbing pipe???
Bryce Bailey Lacrosse wicket
Kim Poors Extension chord
Sue Wilcox Johnson Some sort of “ exercise” gadget!?
Joseph Hilbig The grip part of those extension arms to pick things up?
Stacy DuVall Audio cables of some kind?
Scott Norton Rug cleaner/beater
Heidi Farquhar Garden rake
Steve Prescott Bicycle helmet ⛑️
Kathy Bridgham Hose line to air compressor?
Lisa Clark Slinky
Elizabeth Ames Hat dryer?
Mara Surette Slotted spoon?
Lisa Clark Hair bun clip
Jen Alley Whisk
What always makes us laugh is that people seem to forget about the "stuff we have in our office" aspect of the clue. A garden rake? A lacrosse wicket?
Our personal favorite guess of the morning came from came from Paul Keezer who guessed "4 really stretchy Hotdogs...!"
Ultimately we did have 2 correct guesses from Andrew Corey Lavoie and Sue Simard-Poliquin. It was, indeed, a back-scratcher! Well done! And thanks for playing!
Make sure to join us again next Wednesday to see if you can guess what the next photo is.