Acadia Hospital Adds New Bullying Video to Acadia CARES
If you have ever been the focus of a bully you know that it can turn life particularly school life into a living hell. I learned this myself as a kid so I am so pleased to see Acadia Hospital has addressed the issue adding a bullying video to their CARES program.
If you have not been aware of the CARES series from Acadia Hospital CARE stands for ,Child-Adolescent Resource and Educational Series campaign. This is the second video in their series, the first was on the subject of youth suicide prevention, is nearing 20,000 views on Acadia’s YouTube channel and has received very positive reviews. Future videos in the series will address eating disorders, anxiety, sexual identity, substance abuse, and resiliency.
This video has a lot of valuable information for more awareness and what to do next. Great job and let's never give up.