The music world recently lost a great talent, when the lead singer of Stone Temple PIlots passed away in his sleep. His ex-wife has now written an open letter to her children, talking about their father's addiction. As an ex-wife of someone who struggled with alcoholism, this hit home for me.

48-year-old Scott Weiland died in his sleep, on his tour bus, in a room that contained small amounts of cocaine, according to Rolling Stone. Now, his ex-wife is talking about what it was like, living and dealing with his addiction issues.

I have some first-hand experience with this and the article reminded me of some very tough times in my life. My first husband was an alcoholic and that addiction eventually led to his death. We were married for just under 5 years. Not a long time, really. But it was long enough for me to learn that, when you're with an addict, the focus of the marriage quickly shifts from the couple to the relationship between the addict and their substance of choice.

When I separated myself from the situation, I learned words like codependency and enabling. And I realized how totally consuming addiction...even another person's addiction...can be to your life. The first time I sat in a meeting that was supposed to be about him, I was shocked to hear the counselor describing things that spouses of addicts experience, how they feel, and the dark thoughts they would never share with anyone. If you care about someone battling addiction, this letter will probably do the same for you. Don't be scared. Read it. Because it just might change your life.

The statewide addiction abuse hotline is 1-888-568-1112. To find a treatment center near you, log onto the state's services directory or 211 Maine. And, of course, if more immediate help is needed, go to the emergency room or call 911.

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