Annnnnd, Now The Moxie Festival Is Canceled.
Ugh. 2020 is just a constant kick to the groin. We've all watched in disappointment as one thing after another is canceled because of the coronavirus, and the list just keeps growing longer. Now, the festival that annually honors Maine's most beloved soda, Moxie, is canceled for 2020.
I have a couple Moxie shirts that I treasure, and have been to the festival a few times as well. It's fun. Good old, simple fun. It's always been an excuse to eat too much, drink a lot of Moxie, and just commune with like-minded folk... another thing we're all seriously lacking in 2020. So it really just kind of hurts.
But the announcement came this morning via the Moxie Festival Facebook page.
Well everyone, I think we all knew this was coming but of course in good ol' Moxie fashion, we were hoping to be "...
Posted by The Moxie Festival on Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Unlike a lot of small town festivals, the Moxie Festival in Lisbon, draws thousands. Lord knows Moxie is an acquired taste for some, But I love it. Although, when I was a kid I thought it was absolutely revolting. But I also hate black licorice. And Moxie has that anise-y, licorice kinda flavor.
So folks who've come to anticipate going to the festival as a yearly trek, are gonna be bummed right out this year. Although, I doubt anyone thought it would actually happen anyway. Everything else has been canceled. And rightly so. We're in a unique situation that requires extra safety from everyone, and a large festival can be hard to manage.
Trying to make sure hundreds of people are masked, and handwashed, etc. would just be a logistical and insurance nightmare, haha. And there's always next year. We hope anyway. Just keeping washing your hands, and don't sneeze on people. Then maybe we can have all our nice things back in 2021.