Another Lane To Be Added To Holden Sections Of Route 1A
Commuters take note! The major highway that carries thousands of vehicles each day in both directions through the town of Holden will have some pretty major work done at some point.
According to an article in the Bangor Daily News, sometime either this year or next, two sections of Route 1A within Holden will have a center lane added, so that travelers will be able to turn left in either direction.
According to a Maine Department of Transportation Work Plan for Holden, Section #1 will extend Southeast from somewhere near Maine Military Supply to Copeland Hill Road. Section #2 will begin by the Holden Town Office and continue southeast to intersection of South and Bagaduce Roads by Leadbetters Super Stop. The Work Plan does not list a start date, other than 2019/2020.
We think that this makes perfect sense, especially considering the amount of traffic that travels by numerous businesses like Granville Stone & Hearth, Port Harbor Marine, the Town Office, the KOA campground, and the Holden Elementary School.