Back To The SPCA Again, Sweetheart Raisin Looks For A Home
There are no sour grapes with Raisin; she’s simply one of the best elderly black cats you could meet.
Short-haired with a sleek black coat and big peridot eyes, she doesn’t look 10 years old but she is. Raisin falls on our hard-to-adopt spectrum because of her age, her coloring, and the fact she is FIV positive; she is the sort of cat most people will pass up on for one of those three reasons, even though she’s purrfectly wonderful.
FIV is widely misunderstood but in the end, Raisin could live a long and healthy life indoors with other cats even, as it is only passed to other cats through deep puncture wounds like you would see in cat fights.
Despite being surrendered several times to the SPCA now, never because of a fault of her own, Raisin is still a sweetheart as she waits for her true furever home. She’s tolerated dogs and children, which isn’t surprising since she seems to take everything on the chin. This girl just has a lot of love to share.
Call to schedule an appointment to meet with Raisin! Call (207) 667-8088, or email at info@spcahancockcounty.org.
The SPCA of Hancock County is a no-kill facility, and currently has many cats and dogs available for adoption. It’s located at 141 Bar Harbor Road in Trenton. Donations are always accepted. They will take your returnable bottles as a donation, so please drop them off right there at the shelter. They're open Wednesday through Sunday 11 AM –5 PM, Closed Monday and Tuesday.

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