Bangkok Restaurant Owner Asks For Donations To Pay Property Tax
Here's something that we've never seen before.
The owners of the Bangkok Restaurant in Ellsworth have started a gofundme page, looking for donations to help pay their local property tax bill. On the page, they say "In order to satisfy mounting property tax obligations, we need to raise at least $25,000 by the end of January to keep the doors open."
Small business owners everywhere, especially those that sell prepared food for the public, will tell stories of the perils of paying unexpected expenses and keeping their enterprise afloat. No doubt, it's a tough gig.
Then again, there are those that would have a problem with a business owner asking for donations to pay their property tax. Those people think that any business owner should have a strict plan to follow that would preserve enough funds to pay a bill like property tax.
Which one are you?
At this writing, $1175 of the $25,000 goal had been collected.
We wish the owners of the Bangkok Restaurant, one of the best Thai places around, all the best, and hope that the doors to the business remain open well after January.