Bangor Florist Will Help Spread Smiles With ‘Petal It Forward’ Movement
It's no secret that folks these days are stressed out. People everywhere wear the worries of the world on their shoulders, and on their faces. Smiles can be hard to come by on some days.
But the floral industry is hoping to change that, even if for one small moment, with a nationwide random-act-of-kindness movement called "Petal It Forward." The movement is being organized by the Society Of American Florists (SAF).
According to some recent studies, "The findings show that people who lived with flowers in their homes for just a few days reported a significant decrease in their levels of stress and improvements in their moods. These new findings support other behavioral research studies conducted by researchers at universities including Harvard, Rutgers and Texas A&M that demonstrate flowers’ ability to make people happy, strengthen feelings of compassion, foster creativity and even provide a boost of energy."
That's the thought behind a pop-up event that will take place this Wednesday at Westmarket Square from 12 PM to 2 PM.

Local florist shop, Bangor Floral, a member of SAF, will be joining the "Petal It Forward" movement by supplying folks who happen by where they are set up with two free flowers each. The idea is for them to keep on for themselves and then spread some smiles by giving the other flower away.
Joseph Langlois, who owns Bangor Floral, says he is happy to take part in an event that has such an ability to boost morale and positively impact the community.
“A random act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a tremendous impact on someone else’s life. Through the positive effects of flowers, we hope to make someone’s day brighter, and provide a much-needed moment of calm amidst the hectic pace of life.”
And since the studies showed that just as much as folks receiving flowers had their stress levels lowered and their moods boosted, those who gave flowers away had a similar experience. So here's a chance to do both.
For more information about the "Petal It Forward" movement, you can contact Heather Murray at Bangor floral by emailing her at Bangorfloral1925@gmail.com or calling the shop at (207)-947-4569.