Bangor Mall Cinema 10 To Reopen April 2nd
The heck with HBO Max. They don't serve hot buttered popcorn anyway.
The Bangor Cinema 10 has just posted to Facebook their grand reopening date, and movies will hit the big screen once again beginning Friday, April 2nd. Can anyone say, date night? We knew you could.
One has to wonder what movies that they'll be showing when the lights go down that Friday, as movie production companies haven't exactly been that busy producing new films as of late. But regardless, Bangor's premiere movie theater, the one with the big cushy chairs that lean back, the one with that big take-out counter loaded with candy, soda and big tubs of hot buttered popcorn, the one with the impressive surround sound system, and probably the place that you've seen the majority of new releases over years, will be back in action.

Maybe. If all holds steady. We'll see. But hey, let's be optimistic, right? Yes.
The folks that run the place say that they'll be posting the films that will be shown beginning that Friday. So let's take a guess as to what may be shown.
Raya and the Last Dragon is coming out about that time. The animated film from Disney features Raya who is on a quest to find the last dragon on earth.
Black Widow from Marvel will be coming out about that time. It stars Scarlett Johansson dressed in skin tight black. Can't go wrong there, guys.
Anyway, it will be nice to have a place to go and see a movie again, other than from the recliner in your living room. Although the rest rooms are much closer there.