Bangor PD Community Police Academy Begins Soon [INFO]
What's it take to be a Bangor cop? YOU can find out a little of what it takes by being part of the next Community Police Academy!
It ain't an easy job. You must be totally aware of your surroundings continuously, have both the mental the physical ability to endure all sorts of situations, and probably the most important aspect of it all, the desire to do some good in your community.
The ten week program will give you an overview of a variety of things like, criminal investigations, drug enforcement, crime scene investigations, what the SWAT team does, OUI enforcement, and working with both the bomb squad and K9 patrol.
There is no cost for the program that will be held beginning on Tuesday, October 4th, between 6 and 8:30 the Bangor PD at 240 Main Street. You will be subject to a background check. For an application contact the PD's Community Relations Officer, Jason McAmbley: Or, call him at 947-7384, EXT. 5733
Get on it! These classes fill fast!
This is in no way certified training to become a police officer. If you really want to know what it takes, then read over the Maine Criminal Justice Academy's WEBSITE.
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