It's been a busy few months for Bangor's newest art installation, "Umbrella Sky."

Umbrella 12, Zak Hauger
Umbrella 12, Zak Hauger

The umbrellas went up across Cross St. at the end of July.

After a few weeks of fanfare and Instagram posts, the display sustained its first real bit of damage after a bad summer storm.

Umbrellas 5, Cori Skall
Umbrellas 5, Cori Skall

But with the maintenance of the display built into the budget, organizers were not too concerned.

Umbrella Sky 2, Cori Skall
Umbrella Sky 2, Cori Skall

The display was repaired and put back up.

Umbrella Sky 6, Cori Skall
Umbrella Sky 6, Cori Skall

Then another storm hit, and more damage was done. Betsy Lundy, from the Downtown Bangor Partnership, said that the maintenance crew discovered that some of the umbrellas were not glued correctly, and would need to be taken down and replaced at the end of the season.

Umbrella Sky 1, Cori Skall
Umbrella Sky 1, Cori Skall

The Tropical Storm Lee hit, and a good number of umbrellas sustained damage, and one of the steel support wires snapped.


Thursday, the installation was taken down completely for the season.


Lundy says the umbrellas will stay down for the winter, but will return next season.


"We did take them down for the season and they will be back bigger and better in the spring. Lots of additional components coming up!"


The "Umbrella Sky" exhibit, which was funded in part by Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center, was put together as an effort to drive more foot traffic to that area of town, while also creating a picturesque space of whimsey in the Downtown Bangor area, worthy of Instagram.

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