Corinth Family Hopes To Beat Their Halloween Crowd Record With Christmas Light Show
The Boddy family moved to Garland Road in Corinth almost 4 years ago. They were inspired by a lack of trick-or-treaters to put together a huge Halloween Light Show this year. They hoped to draw folks out of the city, to their new hometown, for some Halloween festivities.
It took Steven Boddy and his family several months to put up the 1,500-light Halloween lights display, worthy of a drive outside of town. But Boddy says it was well worth the effort.
"Halloween our largest day was the Saturday before the most cars we had were 20 watching the show. I think the hard work paid off. My family and neighbors like the show. I got a lot of messages from people thanking me for doing something neat in the community. And I just love watching the lights so the work paid off."
But the Boddy family didn't stop there. They got to work, after Halloween was over, putting up a Christmas display that they hope will bring more people into Corinth for the holiday season.
"It took 2 weeks and we are hoping for a bigger turnout being Christmas and all. We have 2,460 lights we are running the show from 5-9 every day until Christmas. Songs include Carol of the Bells, Christmas Vacation, Rocking around the Christmas Tree, and many other tunes. The show finishes at 9 PM with 3 non-Christmas songs."
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