Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge To Fully Close Twice This Week
Better gas up the boat because for a few hours this week you won't be able to drive across.
As you're probably very well aware if you live or work on Deer Isle - Stonington, the Maine Department of Transportation their contractors have been hard at work this summer on the bridge that spans between Sedgwick and Little Deer Isle. Recently, drivers have had to experience the hardship of a detour on Route 15, sending them miles away from the route that one normally takes.
This week, contractors will be on the bridge paving, and in order to complete the work correctly and in a timely fashion, they've requested the full closure of the Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge.
The Maine Department of Transportation informs us that the structure will be closed both this Wednesday and Thursday nights, August 18th and 19th, between 9 pm and 1 am the following morning.
Emergency vehicles will be able to go to and from across the bridge, but other traffic will not be allowed while contractors do the paving.
So of course we highly suggest that you prepare for these two closures by collecting the supplies that you need and by making sure that everyone is on the right side of the bridge before the gates are closed. Electrical service will not be affected during the closure of the bridge.
As the construction process nears completion there will be at least one more full closure of the Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge, and we'll let you know about that as well as soon as the Maine Department of Transportation informs us.