Maine DOT Asks Kids what They’d Want on Highway Message Signs
I enjoy that the Maine DOT has a sense of humor.
Of all the state organizations there are, it seems like the Maine DOT could really be a bunch of stuffed shirts that take things way too seriously. One of the primary functions of their existence is to promote safety on our roads here in Maine. That's a super-important job. But as we've learned, it doesn't mean there can't be a sense of humor to it.
We've seen plenty of examples over the years of the DOT's sense of humor, especially when it comes to their highway message boards. They're often customized tot the season and usually a short little rhymed couplet to really drive home the point (see what I did there?). But recently, they took it to a whole new, awesome level.
They asked a bunch of kids to come up with their own ideas.
The Maine DOT released a Facebook video yesterday, displaying what are presumably the highlights of the submissions they received from kids around Maine. One kid even Rick-Rolled us by saying, "your seatbelt will never give you up." This kid will undoubtedly grow up to be the president of their class.
There's some great ones here, and it's only about a minute long. Plus, it's Monday. You need a good pick-me-up to shake out the cobwebs. I think this could totally do the job. Check it out...
Again, it's great that the DOT is willing to try and put a positive spin on very necessary safety information. It seems like the roads get a little crazier everyday, so this is welcome site. Plus, it's nice to get young folks interested in road safety now. Nothing bad can come of that.