Drive-Thru Flu Shots Offered At These Downeast Maine Locations
This year, medical professionals are highly recommending more so than usual that we get a flu shot, and soon.
"We can’t stress enough, the importance to get your flu shot, continue to wear a mask in public, practice physical distancing, and stay home when you are not feeling well," Mike Murnik, MD, Senior Physician Executive at Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital tells us.
Northern Light Blue Hill and Maine Coast Hospitals are making it easier than ever to get vaccinated, with the following Drive-Thru clinics. “The Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinics are available to ALL in our community. You don’t have to be our patient to participate,” says Mr. Murnik.
Although it's not necessary, those that want a flu shot can call ahead to preregister. Call 374-2311 for Blue Hill Hospital Flu Clinics and 664-7751 for Maine Coast Hospital Flu Clinics.
Drive-thru flu shots will be offered at the following dates/ locations/ and times:
Wednesday 9/23 @ Blue Hill Hospital, 57 Water Street, Blue Hill, between 5 and 7 p.m.
Saturday 9/26 @ Blue Hill Hospital, 57 Water Street, Blue Hill, between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m.
Saturday 9/26 @ Maine Coast Hospital, 50 Union Street, Ellsworth, 9-12 p.m.
Saturday 10/3 @ Northern Light Primary Care 102 Court Street, Castine, 9-12 p.m.
Saturday 10/3 @ Deer Isle-Stonington High School, Deer Isle, 9-12 p.m.
Saturday 10/3 @ Blue Hill Hospital 57 Water Street, Blue Hill 9 -12 p.m.
Saturday 10/3 @ Maine Coast Hospital 50 Union Street, Ellsworth, 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
“We are encouraging all of our patients to get their vaccinations by the end of October,” explains Sheena Whittaker, MD, Senior Physician Executive Northern Light Maine Coast Hospital.

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