Pet owners in eastern Maine will want to take note; the Eastern Maine Emergency Vet Clinic will be changing its hours and will be closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

They announced the change on their Facebook page this week, with an explanation as to why it was necessary:

"Like so many veterinary hospitals across the country, Eastern Maine Emergency Veterinary Clinic has been affected by staff shortages. For us to continue to provide exceptional patient care, we have made the difficult decision to shorten our business hours until further notice. We are working diligently to add to our team, and we are grateful for the patience and understanding of our client and referral hospitals who depend on and trust us."

New hours will start on September 27. The clinic will be closed Monday and Tuesday. The hours for Wednesday and Thursday will run from 5:30 PM to 8 AM. For the weekend, they'll be open at 5:30 PM and run straight through till Monday morning at 8 AM.

For many of us in the community who have furry friends, having the peace of mind knowing that should something go wrong, the folks at the EMEVC are there to help at a moment's notice, has been something we've taken for granted. Thankfully, I've only had to use their services a couple of times in my life, but have always been extremely grateful that they have been open to treat my pets, in a time of need. This change will, no doubt, hit some folks who happen to need emergency care for their pets, pretty hard.

Hopefully, they'll be able to fill their staff positions and resume their regular schedule soon.

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