Ellsworth’s Rte 1A & 179 Intersection To Be Re-Done
If you've never felt at ease driving into Ellsworth and passing through the intersection of Route 179 and Route 1A, then things may get better for you, but not for awhile.
The Maine Department of Transportation will be reconfiguring that intersection in the year 2015. The construction will take place between the Union River Bridge, just before Greenway Equipment sales and will continue almost all the way to the Mill Mall.
A four-way intersection will be created at what is now the intersection of Routes 179 & 1A by Sunrise Glass. The Shore Road will also be part of this newly created intersection. Folks coming out of the Shore Road and Route 179 will have "left turn only" lanes to take advantage of. There will be no traffic light at the intersection.
The current intersection has always been a challenge as motorists coming off Route 179 from the Waltham area have had to wait and then sneak between the traffic on Route 1A and those also coming out of the Ellsworth Falls Irving Mini-Mart across the street.
The project is funded by the Maine DOT and should cost Ellsworth nothing.
Can a new intersection where the newly created Route 180 pours onto Route 1A be far behind?
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