Now normally we get excited over all the rock gods featured at the planetarium but Friday this month they are celebrating real heroes who traveled to the moon and back to further our world position.

50 years ago Apollo XI's made its historic Moon landing. To celebrate the Emera Astronomy Center has put together a show that encompasses everything from the beginnings of space travel, to the launch of Sputnik 1 and the amazing feat of Apollo landings on the Moon.  In addition to the historic they will also cover the more recent additions like the assembly of the International Space Station and the first private space flights. The center says these expeditions are a vivid and historically accurate reconstruction of humans first steps into the cosmos. They will also highlight the men and women who braved the risks of space travel. The show is called “Dawn of the Space Age”. This show runs Fridays through July 7-8 PM $6 for Adults, $5 for senior citizens, $4 for children 12 and under

As an Aside, and to give the rock gods their due they are also doing a show to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon on Fridays starting a 9 PM admission 8 bucks. Rock on.

Tickets may be purchased online, by phone at 207.581.1341, or at the ticket box office prior to the show.

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