Now here's the reason why one doesn't haul ass through Moxie Gore.

Where in the hell is Moxie Gore, you ask?  Well, it's up off of Route 201, to the right of The Forks.  It's apparently where the moose live.

Check out this wonderful video filmed by Kevin Warner and then posted to Facebook for the world to see.  It's a family of Maine moose standing in the snow roadside just kind of minding their own business, until Kevin rounds the bend.

That's when daddy moose heads back into the woods, and so does mama moose, but not before eyeballing her young ones and then herding them off into the safety of the woods as well.

Wow, mother nature at her finest.

Now, while seeing wildlife like this roadside is so very cool, it's also a reminder to drive the speed limit and keep your eyes on the road and off to the side as well, just like Kevin did.  It's also a reminder that the State of Maine spends big bucks figuring out where wildlife resides and that those moose and deer crossing signs that you come across are up there for good reason.

Here's a few tips from the Maine Department of Transportation:

  •  Collisions can occur anytime of the year, under almost any circumstances, anywhere in Maine.    Collisions with deer increase in autumn, peaking in November; moose collisions increase in May and June. But they can happen any time of the year.
  • Moose and deer are most active around dawn and dusk. They also travel at night. Deer eyes reflect light from headlights. But because moose are taller, drivers won’t see their eyes reflected in the headlights. This makes moose even harder to see in time to avoid a collision. Use high beams whenever possible.
  • Be alert in rural and forested areas. Deer are commonly seen near fields and orchards. Moose are often found near wetlands.
  • Moose and deer often travel in small groups. If one animal crosses the road, you can bet that there are more animals nearby that may be crossing.
  • Do not drive beyond your headlights. If you can’t stop within the distance of your headlight visibility, you could hit something just beyond your viewing area.
  • If a crash with an animal is imminent, apply the brakes and steer straight. Let up on the brakes just before impact to allow the front of your vehicle to rise slightly and aim to hit the tail end of the animal. This can reduce the risk of the animal striking the windshield and may increase your chances of missing the animal. Duck down to protect yourself from windshield debris
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Can The Average Person Outrun These Maine Creatures?




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