Farmers’ Almanac Predicts Snowy Weather/Blizzard For Maine Winter
Dig out the boots and snow pants, because looks like we're in for some wild weather this winter here in Maine.
Farmer's Almanac, the fabulous publication from Lewiston is now on the bookshelves and its long-range winter forecast is predicting different weather for different parts of the country, so much so that they're calling it the "Winter of the Great Divide."
Here in Maine, the folks at Farmer's Almanac predict "a mix of intense systems that will keep delivering a wintry mix of rainy, icy and/or snowy weather throughout winter." A far cry from the beginning of last winter when snow storms were few and far between.
Now here's the kicker, they also tell us to be on the lookout for a blizzard, "bringing 1-2 feet of snow along the eastern seaboard during February 12-15." So, it looks like that Friday throughout Monday will be a wild ride in itself on the way to work or the grocery store. It may be best just to hunker down and ride it out.
Of course other parts of the country will experience a different winter of 2021, where rainy and wet weather will rule the Pacific Coastal Plain, from northern California and points north through western portions of Oregon and Washington. Arizona and southern California are predicted to have a mild but dry winter.
Meanwhile in parts of the western Dakotas, northern portions of Colorado and Utah, as well as Wyoming, snow will be abundant, with possibly above-normal amounts. The Southeastern part of the country, excluding the Tennessee Valley, will experience average precipitation levels, with temperatures chillier than normal.
The Great Lakes and Midwest, westward through the Northern and Central Plains, and Rockies are in for a cold winter.