Dude, Bangor… It’s Like, 4/20… What’s Your Favorite Munchie?
In honor of today being something akin to National Cheech & Chong Day, it's April 20th, and we decided on this lovely 4/20, we wanted to know what your favorite go-to snacks and munchies were...
JStew: It's been a minute since the old days, and even without the extra "assistance", I still have my go-to munchies. For me, since these decisions are often made late night at a convenience store, after a gig. It's always either gas station pizza, or Cool Ranch Doritos. Or sometimes I'll go for the Little Debbie, or as I like to call it, Little Diabeetus, the Cosmic Brownie. It's super fudgy and dense, and is the perfect snack at 3am when it's time to drive home after a gig. Oh, and let's not forget... That's also the only time I will willingly drink Mountain Dew. Any other time and it's just too sweet. But at that hour, I'll take it all I can chug!
Cori: Sweet and salty are always my go-to. Candy and anything baked, if I'm feeling in a sweets kind of mood--which is usually how I feel. Lately it's been Twizzlers and caramels. But I've been known to polish off a bag of salt-water taffy, too. So there's that. If I'm feeling salty, then straight up plain potato chips...on occasion I don't mind dip. But I'm usually a simple-snacker....unless there's an option for cheese, and then I will always say yes to extra cheese.
Your answers were enlightening. And of course, now everyone's hungry after reading this.... Let's look at your top choices.