Frankie MacDonald Warns Of Massive Maine Blizzard. Says, “Order Your Pizza, Buy Cases Of Pepsi”
Frankie says, "MASSIVE blowing and drifting snow drifts, winds gonna be HOWLING!" Yeah, but should we order Chinese food this time? Guess so.
It's unanimous! Frankie MacDonald, our favorite Canadian meteorologist, is right there on the same page with the National Weather Service and those on TV, in calling for a massive blizzard for the State of Maine, although the boy is a little more animated in his delivery than the others.
"So, people of Maine be prepared! Have your winter boots and jackets ready! Order your pizza and order your Chinese food! Buy cases of Pepsi and cases of Coke! DO IT RIGHT NOW!"
This must be some serious stuff on its way.
"Take care and be safe, and stay warm."
We'll do our best Frankie. Thank you for the warning!