Watch This Mighty Snow Plow Massacre Many Mailboxes in Glenburn
This is probably one of those cases where a lot of people are going to be left scratching their heads, for a number of different reasons.
This video has been shared far and wide over the last 24 hours. It features footage captured as someone tailing a plow truck, who was traveling along the Pushaw Road in Glenburn, witnessed this truck take out no less than five mailboxes with its blade in a matter of 30 seconds.
Now, this is with the blade of the truck making physical contact with each mailbox, and not a case of snow being pushed up against the boxes causing them to topple over.
A lot of people are understandably upset by this, claiming the plow company should foot the bill for the repair of all of those mailboxes.
Conversely, there are a number of folks coming to the defense of the plow truck driver saying that the wing of this truck obviously was broken, and it would not have been possible for the driver to see the damage being done.
You would think that logic would dictate that if the driver couldn't see the wing, let alone the damage being done, perhaps they shouldn't have been driving this truck on the road, and would therefore be responsible for the cost of cleaning up the mailbox mess.
Seems reasonable, right?
The answer might surprise you.
According to, in a special section of the website called "Legal Winter Road Questions and Answers" they say that while each municipality has its own policy when it comes to mailbox replacement, typically, if the plow takes out your mailbox, YOU are responsible for replacing it--cost and all.
And if you think the answer is to replace it with one of those indestructible mailboxes, fixed in concrete or steel, you might want to think again.
"Mailboxes are in the right of way by permission of municipality and if damaged, there is no legal entitlement to replacement or payment. If the mailbox is within the right-of-way, the municipality has a legitimate concern for the safety of drivers and for its own potential liability under the Highway Defect Act, since a mailbox that is a "deadly fixed object" may be a highway defect. Municipality should request immediate removal of post by landowner (who also could be held liable for property damage or personal injury)."
We did reach out to both the Glenburn Town Manager, Daniel McClung and Glenburn Public Works Director, Shawn Braley, to see if Glenburn had its own policy regarding such a situation, and to determine whether or not the incident would be investigated. Neither would comment.