Less of a novel concept these days, electric cars can be found, more and more, on roadways across the U.S. The state of Maine, more specifically the Maine Department of Transportation, is taking steps to make sure they have what they need to keep going; charging stations.

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"Nationwide, about 322,000 EVs were sold in America in 2020 while in 2021, over 310,000 electric vehicles were sold in just the first six months of the year," according to the website greencars.com.

Here in Maine "since 2019 the number of battery electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles increased by 90% to 5,577 vehicles and the number of public charging stations increased by 62% to 265 stations," according to a recent "Maine Clean Transportation Roadmap" put out at the end of 2021. You can find the report on Maine.gov.

The Maine DOT wants to make sure you know where you can charge those cars, so they recently released this information on the Facebook Page.

"MaineDOT has installed publicly-accessible EV chargers at each of our five region offices, our headquarters in Augusta, and at the Rockland terminal of the Maine State Ferry Service. Just another way we’re #KeepingMaineMoving!"

Maine Charing Stations, Maine DOT
Maine Charing Stations, Maine DOT

Folks looking for even more information on where all the electric charging sites are located, throughout the state, can visit the website EfficiencyMaine.com. There they will find an interactive "Alternative Fueling Station Locator" which displays updated information about where the displays public electric vehicle charging stations are installed throughout Maine.

electric car SUV charging at home in front of modern low energy suburban house
Sven Loeffler

They can even search based on the type of charging outlets and connector type.

"An electric charging station appears as one point on the map, regardless of the number of charging outlets at that location. The number and type of charging outlets and connector types available at each station location are displayed in the details page for each station location."

Sean Gallup
Sean Gallup

Based on the recommendations which came out of that "Maine Clean Transportation Roadmap", it was also recommended that more low-income housing and multi-unit dwellings are equipped with Electric Vehicle Chargers, as well.

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