Hannaford Now Offers Same Day Delivery To Your Home
Like Walmart, Target and Shaw's had done before it, now Hannaford Supermarkets are offering same day delivery to your business or home.
Things have changed when immensely for us in here eastern Maine since the beginning of this nasty COVID-19 pandemic. It wasn't that long ago that online ordering and curbside pickup at local area restaurants and stores was just a pipe dream. Now, the novelty has worn off, and it's almost like people hardly give the still new shopping process a second thought.
Enter now online ordering with same day delivery - sometimes within the hour.
The Hannaford Supermarket chain has now jumped into the game. Customers can now use Instacart, whether online or via the app, to order things like paper towels, meats, produce, milk, frozen foods and snacks, and then have them delivered right to their door.
When you log onto Instacart you'll then type in either an address of zip code to find out if the Hannaford Supermarket near you offers this service. A quick check revealed that Hannafords in Bangor, Brewer, Old Town and Ellsworth did, while those in Bar Harbor, Belfast, Bucksport and Newport did not. Although, the supermarket chain did say recently that 149 of it's 183 stores in the northeast offer the service with even more on the way.
So there you go, now there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to leave the comfort of your recliner to order up those Doritos and that package of ground beef. Let your fingers and credit card do all the legwork, once again.