Here’s What The MDOT Is Doing On Outer Wilson St. In Brewer
You may have seen the Maine Department of Transportation road signs that were put up over this past weekend on Route 1A/outer Wilson Street in Brewer, just west of the Brewer/Holden town line.
Lane Construction will be refurbishing outer Wilson Street, beginning about 0.13 miles east of Sparks Avenue and extending easterly approximately 1 mile, just past the off ramps of Interstate 395.
According to a MDOT spokesperson, the project consists of removal of the existing pavement and the existing surface will be replaced with 1-1/2 inches of hot mix asphalt. As part of the project there will be improvements to the ADA curb ramp landing areas.
The work begins tonight, Monday, September 17th, and will continue until the project's anticipated completion on October 20th of this year. Once the pavement removal is complete, they plan on adjusting drainage structures and then begin the placement of surface pavement in approximately two weeks.
The good news is that the work will take place at night, Sunday night through Friday morning, between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m.
Lane Construction will be allowed to close one of the Route 395 ramps when working adjacent to them, or on them, between Monday night and Friday morning between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. They are not allowed to close two adjacent ramps simultaneously. Lane will notify emergency personnel resources prior to closing ramps and will notify the public with the roadside message signs prior to and during ramp closures.
This project is different from the proposed I-395 connector, that would link the Interstate with Route 9 in Eddington.
Please drive with caution during the construction and obey the flaggers for everyone's safety!