Hey Bangor, Which Appliances Get The Most Use At Your House?
Each month, when my electric bill comes in the mail (I know, I'm old-school. I still get actual paper bills!) I think to myself "If I could only hook the kids up to a hamster wheel and let them go nuts, I could probably generate plenty of watts to keep up with this ridiculous demand. What the heck am I running in here that's so expensive?!"
And then I remember, I have 4 kids...everything is always dirty! So all the appliances that work the hardest in my house (aside from me!) are going to be of the "washing/drying" persuasion.
But it I'm really taking a good look at the appliances that I use the most, the #1 offender would be my coffee maker. Hands down. Yes, I realize the fridge runs 24/7. But I'm classifying this analysis on the appliances I actually have to turn on. And my coffee maker...well, let's just say that I go through one of those giant bulk tins of coffee a week! If there's a day I brew less than 4 pots of coffee in one day, then I must not be home.
I asked JStew, and he said that in his house it's the stove (obviously). He also uses his grandfather's old power drill a lot.
That got us thinking: What the most used appliance in your house?
We asked. You answered. The rest, well, see for yourself!
Darren Our washer and dryer. Get the most use to ur question of the day
Sue Simard-Poliquin fridge
Linda Memaw Boone Definitely the washer!
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