It looks like Maine is in for some significant snowfall, and so we have some suggestions on how to pass the time, if you're stuck at home.

As excited as kids get when they find out they don't have to go to school, that can just-as-quickly turn to cries of 'I'm bored' and 'Mom, what can I do?' So we've put together some ideas of fun activities to keep them occupied and entertained. Snow days can be fun!

  • Yelena Kovalenko, ThinkStock
    Yelena Kovalenko, ThinkStock

    Make Christmas Cookies

    Christmas is nearly here, so it's the perfect time for a cookie-making party. You can form an assembly line to construct the cookies. And then set out sprinkles, frosting, food decorate! If you have to run to the store before the snow gets bad, Hannaford has put together decorating packages, with all the supplies, including cookies!

  • Yan Lev, ThinkStock
    Yan Lev, ThinkStock

    Create Your Own Photo Booth

    Who doesn't love to play dress-up? I remember, as a kid, I enjoyed wearing my mom's skirts (which touched the floor), or putting on my dad's t-shirts to wear as dresses. So, set out an assortment of funny and funky clothes, some costume jewelry, hats, shoes, and maybe even some make-up. Let the kids dress up and take their pictures with a digital camera. Then load them on your computer and set up a slide show. Fun!

  • Photodisc, ThinkStock
    Photodisc, ThinkStock

    Have A Dance Party

    Kids love to act silly, especially when there are grown-ups being silly with them. So crank some music up loud and encourage them to dance around the house with you. Show them how to do the bunny hop, twirl, leap, and jump around. It's fun and will burn up all that excess energy that's usually expended outside at recess.

  • adrienne miller, ThinkStock
    adrienne miller, ThinkStock

    Go Outside!

    Once the snow has started to build up, there are all sorts of ways to have fun outside. Build a snowman and/or a snow fort. Have a snowball fight! Make snow angels. Just make sure to dress warmly, don't stay outside too long, and have some hot chocolate ready to go when you get inside. And maybe some of those warm cookies!

  • Hill Street Studios, ThinkStock
    Hill Street Studios, ThinkStock

    Snuggle In For Movie Time!

    My favorite way to spend a snow day is to put on my softest and warmest pajamas, pile pillows and blankets on the couch, and snuggle in for a day of movie-watching. Stack up some of your favorite DVD's, pop some popcorn and get your favorite beverages, then settle in for an afternoon of screen time. There will be plenty of laughs and, after everything else you've done all day, possibly some napping kids!

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