I-95 Drive Home Mystery Artist [VIDEO]
Tonight’s mystery artists are from a musical family and were inspired to give music a shot when their brother George’s band ‘The Easy Beats’ had a hit in the states with the song ‘Friday on My Mind’ think you know who George’s famous brothers are or the band they started??
This info comes for a documentary called ‘Stiff Upper Lip’ which follows the lives of the band AC/DC making George’s brothers Malcolm and Angus Young. When the boys told their parents they were starting a band their dad said he’d give them two weeks before they quit because they fought all the time. However, when brother George heard them play he was impressed. The documentary also cover how they got their name and whose idea it was to dress Angus in a school boy outfit.
Here is tonight's featured song:
Here is part one of AC/DC's story:
Brother George...