Tonight’s mystery said that their band would never reunite because the members had out grown each other.  Think you can guess who might have said that??

Interesting thing about this quote with David Gilmore back in 2015 is that he may be eating those words according to the Guardian who recently claimed the possibility that Pink Floyds surviving members could reunite this summer in England for the Glastonbury Festival. The Huffington Post's line…Can pigs fly? Pink Floyd fans are hoping so.

Current band members told the magazine:

“I don’t think it is very likely but yes, I would do it given the opportunity.”. Drummer Mason was appearing with bassist/vocalist Roger Waters to help promote “The Pink Floyd Exhibition: Their Mortal Remains,” an upcoming art show about the band at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

They also said that Roger Waters didn’t flatly reject the possibility, but he called the topic “boring.” he then added,  “The last I heard, David retired,” referring to guitarist/vocalist David Gilmour.

However, Gilmour has repeatedly dismissed any possibility of a Pink Floyd reunion.  His last word in 2015: Roger and I have outgrown each other,, and it would be impossible for us to work together on any realistic basis,” Gilmour told the Telegraph while promoting his 2015 solo album, “Rattle That Lock.”


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