Tonight’s featured artists wrote a song many thought was about John Lennon’s murder but was in fact inspired by a Holocaust book about the plight of the Jews.  Think you know the song of who wrote it??

The book that inspired our song writer was a story about Raoul Wallenberg who rescued more than 100,000 Jewish men, women and children from extermination during the Holocaust in World War II. The reader was Canadian rocker Tom Cochrane back when he was with Red Rider. The song was ‘Lunatic Fringe’ which according to Cochrane has already been written when Lennon was killed. Cochran was concerned after reading the book that antisemitism might have resurgence in the 70’s. However, after Lennon was killed Tom stated that his feelings about the event, and how it echoed the theme of his song, galvanized his decision to release the song as a single despite advice from the record label that the song wasn't commercial enough.

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