Hey Bangor, Finish This Thought. I Own A Ridiculous Amount Of….
I own a ridiculous amount of.....
On Facebook, we asked you to finish this sentence. It seems innocent enough, but then it forces you to confront your own situation. So, what was do you have a LOT of?
JStew: Hmmmm... I think for me, the answer is pretty obvious. Drums, drums, and more drums. Although, my collection isn't necessarily the biggest on Earth, it could be argued that I have a ridiculous amount of them. Especially snare drums. I do have about 4 complete sets of drums too, but snares are my obsession. In the last year or so especially. I figure there's a definite window in which I'll still be able to play like I always have, but those days are numbered. I decided for the remainder of that time, I wanted all the fancy things in my studio that I never had. So yeah, if it's musically related, I probably have too much of it, hahaha.
Cori: Freaking jars! I have a hard time throwing away either plastic or glass jars. In my defense, I do reuse them to store leftovers or when I make big batches of soup or elderberry syrup. But I have way more jars than I do room for them in kitchen. It's to the point where I am convinced that I'm going to be killed by being hit in the head by a rogue jar falling off an overstuffed shelf somewhere. And I'm always hard pressed to find the lids to any of them. My life's a mess!

Some of your answers were enlightening, and kinda make us want to go clean out our closets, houses, garages, etc... Let's look now...