I’m Grateful For The Lady Who Sends Cat Cards To My Kid
Years ago, before I had kids, I lived down south (Charleston, SC), and I worked with a woman we called "Miss Jackie".
Miss Jackie actually had a connection with Maine, which always made me feel a little closer to home when we hung out. And Miss Jackie loved cats. In fact, she would take funny pictures of her cats, dress up in seasonal outfits, and create these awesome little holiday cards with them.
When I moved back home to Maine, we kept in touch through Facebook. When I started having kids, she started sending her funny holiday cat cards.
With each passing holiday, my daughters have looked forward to getting these silly little cards. And to this day, when they see an envelope arrive from South Carolina, they smile, and carefully open it to reveal this silly cat picture inside.
Outside of the cat cards, and the occasional Facebook exchange, we don't really talk often. But I am so very grateful that Miss Jackie still takes the time and makes the effort to share her appreciation for cats with my fellow cat-loving girls. For the cost of some printer ink and stamps, the smiles and silly sweetness she creates for my kids are priceless.
And if you stop to think about it, any one of us is capable of being a Miss Jackie to for someone else. Taking the time to share what we love with others, especially a laugh or a smile, is about as simple and basic as it gets, but those simple and basic gestures are what build us up and bring us together.
How can you make someone smile today, and spread a little sunshine during this season of Thanksgiving?