Do you secretly get a kick out of watching people fall?

I won't lie, I kinda do. And yes, I would wholeheartedly expect people to do the same if they saw me flip a$$-over-teakettle on a slippery sidewalk. For real, I won't laugh until I know you're ok, but once I know that you're not concussed, I'll probably lose my marbles at how hilarious it was watching you fly through the air.

Read More: Bangor, Maine's New Winter Parking Rules Might Make Life Easier

Let's face it, we have officially entered  the part of the year where everything we come into physical contact with is a potential falling hazard. Whether it's stairs, sidewalks, the driveway, or whatever... There's always something frozen that you don't know about, but are definitely going to find the hard way. Bangor has a solution for that...

You can take advantage of the free sand from Public Works!

to snowy rooms with a snowy shovel

Yup, it's true. And I'm jealous. My town does not offer this luxury. It doesn't offer a lot of things, but that's a whole other story. But if you head over to the Public Works area on Maine Avenue, you can snag up to two 5-gallon pails full. Full disclosure, it is mixed with a smidge of salt, to help aid in the melting process. It's 5 parts sand, to one part salt.

sea beach sand for texture and background

The city is hoping you'll use it for whatever you need for, according to a recent Facebook post. Just like all those things I mentioned earlier, you can use it on your stairs, your driveway, especially the sidewalk in front your house. If you live intown, this is the most neighborly thing you can do. It benefits everyone.


Yes, other towns also offer up some free sand...

Typically in the past, many towns have participated in this awesome gift. Brewer has been known to. Eddington is on board usually. Ellsworth, Glenburn, Hermon, Holden... All these towns have usually offered some version of free sand. Some offer unlimited buckets, others limit you to a couple per season.

Read More: The Heroes of Maine Winters: Maine's Firewood Banks

Obviously, you'll just need to check your town's website, or give the town office a call and they'll get you squared away. There's not a whole lot you can get for free, especially these days. So you might as well grab it while it's there. It's very kind of these towns to help out a bit. Otherwise, you'll have me pointing and laughing at you, while you slip down your front steps. Yes, after I know you're ok. Maybe...

Do Shovel All the Snow at Once, or in Shifts?

There's no wrong answer, but there is an easier one.

Gallery Credit: Jason Stewart

The Best and Worst Woods to Burn in Your Maine Woodstove

The good, and the bad...

Gallery Credit: Jason Stewart

12 Items Mainers are Banned from Bringing in their Carry-On

They seem like normal, everyday items. But you better leave them home.

Gallery Credit: Jason Stewart

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