Maine Man Riverboards Over 100 Foot Tall Waterfall And Lives To Tell The Tale [VIDEO]
Mainer Mikey McVey has been kayaking and riverboarding since he was in his teens starting out at Twin Pines Camp up north and maturing into a River Guide who calls Millinocket home. Mikey has also traveled the world to find his next kayaking and riverboarding experience, although he says the west branch on the Penobscot is still one of his favorite paddles.
So you may ask, where does a Mainah find a 100 foot waterfall to go over? Well, not here in Maine. He traveled to New Zealand to a place named Hanua Falls located in the Hunua Ranges Regional Park in Auckland. Once there he donned a goPro and launched himself over the falls. Penetrating Earth says that this dive was set a world record. In this video I’d say his flight was nothing short of miraculous. According to what Mikey shared with Bill Green it isn’t the fall as much as the landing. Yeah, that makes sense. Yikes.