Maine Rangers Fighting Fire In California Rest Easy With A Mule
There's just something about watching a mule eat an apple in the middle of chaos that just warms one's heart.
As you may or may not know, Maine Forest Rangers have been in California for quite some time now helping in the fight against those horrible fires that have been sweeping across that state, burning homes, ravaging lands owned by businesses, and leaving death behind.
Needless to say, Californians thank these hard working Mainers and those from other states and countries for traveling thousands of miles to help put out the fires, and so do we.
Maine Forest Rangers from Maine Engine 6200 have been doing"structure protection" as Ranger Carson Hartman explains in the video below, in Willow Creek.
Fighting fires is nasty work, and these guys have been doing it for a long time. So, imagine their enjoyment when what they describe as a feral mule becomes part of their camp. Apparently the Rangers have named the mule, Steve, and like any animal that one decides to feed, Steve is going to hang around for a while and keep the guys company.
Steve the mule like pears and apples from lunch boxes.
Great gifts come in small packages, but Steve isn't so small. But after fighting what has to seem like a losing battle at times and then witnessing the carnage that the fires have left behind, Steve the mule must be a blessing to a few.
Even if it's just watching him happily eating an apple for a moment or two.