Maine State Parks Are Free With A Loon License Plate July 14th
Here's a big time gift for you, just because you're ever so cool by supporting Maine's special places and wildlife!
If you have a Maine Loon license plate on your vehicle, then you and everyone else can be admitted FREE into any of the State Parks here in the Pine Tree state, Sunday, July 14th, from open until close.
Nice deal! Get out there and enjoy one of Maine beautiful state parks -most with fabulous picnic areas and beaches!
Don;t have a loon license plate? Order one HERE, or at your town office. For every $20 someone spends on the specialty license plate:
- $8.40 goes to the Bureau of Parks and Lands;
- $5.60 goes to Inland Fisheries & Wildlife; and
- $6.00 goes to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
Parks 75 miles driving distance from Bangor include: Lamoine State Park, Fort Point State Park, Lake George State Park, Moose Point State Park and Swan Lake State Park! Search for a Maine State Park HERE!
* Does not apply to: Acadia National Park, Allagash Wilderness Waterway (AWW), Baxter State Park, the Maine Wildlife Park (IF&W), Peacock Beach, Scarborough Beach, Swan Island (IF&W), Penobscot River Corridor (PRC) or the Penobscot Narrows Observatory in Prospect, though admission to Fort Knox State Historic Site will be free that day with the Loon Plate.