Mainers Take Another Shot At Carving The World’s Largest Ice Carousel
An attempt to bring the title of World's Largest Ice Carousel back to Maine is coming up this weekend.
Once again Mainers will attempt to carve-out the largest ice carousel in the world. The attempt was successful back in 2018, but since then competition has heated up around the world. The world record is currently back in Finland, which has now held the record five times. The record stands at 310.78 meters, or 1,020 feet.
The Northern Maine Ice Busters took to Long Lake last weekend to carve the disc. Their world record attempt is 1234 feet diameter, which is 214 feet larger than the current record. For comparison, the disc is about 27 acres. On Saturday April 10, the public is welcome to a ceremony where organizers hope the ice carousel will spin. To qualify, the disc cut in the ice must spin one full revolution.
The 2018 record was successful after two attempts at making the disc spin. According to FiddleheadFocus.com, the estimated 22 million pound ice carousel spun with the assistance of four outboard motors. The ice was about 30 inches thick in spots. Freezing temps hindered the first attempt when areas of the trench froze over, not allowing the carousel to spin.